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Las Mercedes

[Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent nec suscipit diam, a facilisis metus.]

Nestled amidst the mountain peaks of southwest Antioquia, Colombia, the estate of Finca Las Mercedes is dominated by native forest, with 236 hectares devoted entirely as a nature and watershed preserve.

On the remaining 150 hectares, specialty lots are cultivated, divided and processed with incredible care. Selective hand-harvesting delivers ripe cherries directly to the on-site, state-of-the-art mill.

This Caturra and Colombia washed lot showcases deep sweetness, with notes of cherry, chocolate and hazelnut.
Las Mercedes

[Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent nec suscipit diam, a facilisis metus.]

Nestled amidst the mountain peaks of southwest Antioquia, Colombia, the estate of Finca Las Mercedes is dominated by native forest, with 236 hectares devoted entirely as a nature and watershed preserve.

On the remaining 150 hectares, specialty lots are cultivated, divided and processed with incredible care. Selective hand-harvesting delivers ripe cherries directly to the on-site, state-of-the-art mill.

This Caturra and Colombia washed lot showcases deep sweetness, with notes of cherry, chocolate and hazelnut.

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