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Tangy and floral, with notes of pink grapefruit, orange & rose wine.

Upcoming subscription coffee - exclusive to Discovery Subscribers.

The Kibingo washing station of Kayanza, Burundi, is the true hub of it’s community. Through the in-country organisation Greenco, they service over 3000 smallholders, providing organic fertilizer from coffee pulp, subsidising coffee seedlings grown at their own nursery to renovate older plantings, and running outreach programs with the producers year-round.

This fully washed Red Bourbon lot is tangy and floral, with notes of pink grapefruit, orange & rose wine.

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Tangy and floral, with notes of pink grapefruit, orange & rose wine.

Upcoming subscription coffee - exclusive to Discovery Subscribers.

The Kibingo washing station of Kayanza, Burundi, is the true hub of it’s community. Through the in-country organisation Greenco, they service over 3000 smallholders, providing organic fertilizer from coffee pulp, subsidising coffee seedlings grown at their own nursery to renovate older plantings, and running outreach programs with the producers year-round.

This fully washed Red Bourbon lot is tangy and floral, with notes of pink grapefruit, orange & rose wine.

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